Bridge over troubled waters

from $50.00

As a bridge, God guides us, delivers us, and protects us from the troubled waters of danger and uncertainty. Christ lay down his life for our sake. “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. (John 15:13) “I lay down My life ... but I lay it down of Myself." (John 10:17, 18) This piece came about during a very challenging period of my life - during the last week of my mother's dying from lung cancer; taking care of her for five months constantly through prayer, confession, and Communion. Without God's help I could not have endured the hardship. I felt compelled to create by the image of the bridge this image of God's deliverance of us during such times. As a starting point, I used a Bulgarian bridge from the 17-18th century. The ornamentation resembles the Bulgarian women's folk headdress. Three radiant Suns above the bridge symbolize the Holy Trinity. The stylistic color and punctuated line motifs came from van Gogh.

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